- I act for a theter at 5 years old.
- I like the action movies. Fight and all that is cool.
- I confess at 10 years the ls t year.
- A confession of the news ar that is true that a lot of people are in danger, when people kills other.
- Bruce (my dog) me a lot like me dad.
- A example of protection is the police.
- The past tense of sleep is slept.
- I have tension when I dance, scare if a fell.
- I locate a lot of stores on Metromall.
- I dont find the location of Filipinas.
- Carlos emote her sister all the time.
- My mom is emotion of the mother's day.
- Alberto sometimes interrupt the class.
- There was a interrupition on the movie.
- When I was in first grade my brother want a motorcycle.
- In the motorctcle we find the handlebar.
- The engine of the car is a little confuse.
- The conductors need a license.
- I lke the adventure my best was when I go to th forest I survive cool.
- When I go to Decameron all the time is the bellboy.
sábado, 27 de noviembre de 2010
Spelling #3
domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2010
The Blossoms Meet the Vulture Lady
One time Vicki Blossom, strat to ask questions about: Where is Junior? (her son) She ask this to Maggie, Vern, Pap, and Mud (the dog) they answered: the last time they has see was in the barn.
But no one know that Junior was doing a coyote trap but the door clicked an push Junior into the cage, but the worst thing was that the cage have a lot of secuirity. He fell worry, scare, upset. Then after six minutes but Junior though that pass six hours. Later Mud (the dog) came to Jubior's trap so Junior have an idea he remembered that he had little pieces of hamburger and he began to lure Mud. When Mud wsa more close, Junior took the Mud's bandama and Mud didn't do howl and ran away. Junior feel terrible of this because this could be his way out. Before this Junior ried to open the latch with the nail, then he remembered rhe knife, but it was in the barn. The family started to look in the forest, the Pap got lose in the forest and he said that it was terrible to be old. Junior fell a sleep then came Mad Mary, a woman that dont chan ge her clothes in five years, when one gets to dirty she put another one like a layer. She took himto her cave she said that it was cruel. When the Blossoms found the cage Junior was not there. Mad Mary's cave no one know were was. She and Junior were friends, but Junior miss his family so Mad Mary takes Junior to his house, and Pap know Mad Mary from the school she stay live with the Blossoms. Mad Mary is the vulture lady.
But no one know that Junior was doing a coyote trap but the door clicked an push Junior into the cage, but the worst thing was that the cage have a lot of secuirity. He fell worry, scare, upset. Then after six minutes but Junior though that pass six hours. Later Mud (the dog) came to Jubior's trap so Junior have an idea he remembered that he had little pieces of hamburger and he began to lure Mud. When Mud wsa more close, Junior took the Mud's bandama and Mud didn't do howl and ran away. Junior feel terrible of this because this could be his way out. Before this Junior ried to open the latch with the nail, then he remembered rhe knife, but it was in the barn. The family started to look in the forest, the Pap got lose in the forest and he said that it was terrible to be old. Junior fell a sleep then came Mad Mary, a woman that dont chan ge her clothes in five years, when one gets to dirty she put another one like a layer. She took himto her cave she said that it was cruel. When the Blossoms found the cage Junior was not there. Mad Mary's cave no one know were was. She and Junior were friends, but Junior miss his family so Mad Mary takes Junior to his house, and Pap know Mad Mary from the school she stay live with the Blossoms. Mad Mary is the vulture lady.
lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010
Vocabulary #2
- rumor: a story that spreads from one person to another and is belived to be true even through there is no proof of its truth. S. I heard a rumor at shcol that we re gon to have a new teacher.
- acquaintance: a person who one knows but whom with its close frinds. S. I talk to Sara but she is omly an acquaitance.
- authorites: a person with power to make and to force rules. S. Because of the blizzard, the authorites dicied to send students home.
- embrass: to cause to fell nervous or ill at easy. S. He tried to embarass by playing tricks.
- stoop: a small stair -case or porch leading to the entrance of a house or building. S. My dog have a stoopm
- foster house: a place where people abandon kids or persons. S. My cousins live in a foster house.
Vocabulary #1
- inventor: a person who creates something. S. Thomas Edison was the inventor of the light bulb.
- misery: great pain or distrese. S. Junior was upset in misery because he was trapped in a cage.
- cruetly: the quality ok linking to cause pain or suffering. S. Sreading lies to cause someone great pain is an example of cruetly.
- frustreted: the condition of feeling puzzled, helpeless, or discorayed. S. We felt frustrated when our team lose the game.
- inspiration. a sudden original idea. S. When I dance my inspiration is my family, friends and that people I love.
- perfectionist: a person who sets very difficult goals become dissapointed when they are not meat. S. Junior was a perfectionist?
- construction: the act or process of building. S. The construction of Metromall is a good idea.
- dispair:total lack. S. When h couldn't unlatch the cage after trying and trying Jubior felt dispair.
- invention: an original device system, or process. S.Kiara have a great invention to trap the animals without harming.
Spelling #1
preserve: to protect from injury or peril.
lure. the power of attracting, enticing or alluring.
latch: device for keeping the doors shut.
preserve: to protect from injury or peril.
lure. the power of attracting, enticing or alluring.
latch: device for keeping the doors shut.
- Nich have a lot of problems.
- I am a little confuse with grammar.
- He comfort a lot her daughter.
- Sara has the exact measure.
- We connect the shuffle to hear music.
- A example of plant is the rose.
- He have the complete collection of Sonic, Juan spend a lot.
- We all NEED to preserve nature.
- The propose of the school is to kids be responsable.
- Prefix are before the word.
- We proceed the trip to Rio Chagres.
- We construct a shelter for dogs.
- The water condense in the water cycle.
- Mary exclaim: that was awesome!
- People protest for peace.
- A good device is the oven.
- In the class none have the power to lure.... FINE!
- Kirby have a lot of latches in his house.
My brother is my older brother victim.
- Roar is cruel he stole my lunch.
Spelling #2
MEANING: mastiest:
phoniness:not real or genuine; fake; counterfeit
drrible: (in basketball) to move a ball by repeatedly hitting it against the floor with your hand
mastiest: greatest, as in size or extent: the most talent.
phoniness:not real or genuine; fake; counterfeit
drrible: (in basketball) to move a ball by repeatedly hitting it against the floor with your hand
mastiest: greatest, as in size or extent: the most talent.
- Im worried because my dad had not come.
- My mom all the day is in bussiness.
- Juan did the funiest thing in the world.
- Sara is part of the crazier group they do stranges things.
- My friends are the best companies.
- Sara copied of Kiara's disign. But when they asked questions she dont know!
- She was sorriet about what hapen with Sara, but she think that it was a little funny.
- My brother's room is the dirtier room in the WORLD, belive me.
- The uglyness thing that I see in my life is when people kill animal, I feel that is ugly and sad.
- In my life I will wait my victories the next year I think taht is a posibility.
- Hector was the most talent in the team then came James.
- In Panama for example one of the principal authorites are the police.
- To be readness is important the teacher said.
- It was phoniness that Katy know how to play basketball.
- I dont have a rival, I now why.
- I like to play basketball with my friends and my dad, is so cool.
- In the court at first is in silent then (sometimes) all start to yell.
- He darted his eyes around the room.
- In the last 9 seconds he trow the ball in a dribble and they won.
- -
jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010
Writing Project
Academia Interamericana de Panama
Name: Anette Espinosa
Roll: #12
Title: Short story, Space and back, the product, Reading summary The Blossoms Meet the Vulture Lady.
Date: October Friday, 22, 2010
Teacher: Dayannara Phipps
Grade: 5A
Introduction: In this writing Project you will see about different things about Mars, mysteries about the space, and were the U.S will go next so also some pictures about the space. SPACE AND BACK
Looks like:
· Looks like a bright star.
· Mars is a planet is the second one close to our planet Earth.
· Mars is called the “ Red Planet “ because when we see it space it looks like red. Like our planet from space it looks like blue and green.
Travel around the Sun:
· Earth and Mars travel around the Sun in paths and these are called orbits. Its surface is only slightly less than the total area of Earth’s dry land.
· Mars is also roughly intermediate in size, mass, and surface. Gravity between Earth and Earth’s moon ( the moon is about half the moon one-ninth as massive. )
What people imagine?
· People began to imagine all kinds of living things, the author H.G, Well’s novel The War of the Two Worlds
· They think that the Martians will come to our planet Earth.
· Some of the channels cut right trough meteorite showing that craters formed first.
Latest News about Mars:
On August 12, 2005 the NASA Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on March 1O, 2006 to conduct a two-year science survey. The Orbiter will map Martian terrain and weather to find suitable landing sites for upcoming lander missions. It also contains an improved telecommunications link to Earth, with more bandwidth than all previous missions combined. The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter snapped the first image of a series of active avalanches near the planet’s north pole scientists said March 3, 2008.
The Dawn spacecraft flew by Mars in February 2009 for a gravity assist on its way to investigate Vesta and then Ceres.
Humans on Mars (Were the U.S go next?)
People first walked in the moon were in 1969. NASA the U.S. Space agency has launched mechanical, take pictures of Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus.
Moon Base: Even though humans has been to the moon, they are plenty reasons to go back.
For one thing, the moon is nearly U.S astronauts could be by the year 2000 if NASA decides to try for a return trip.
On to Mars: Back in 1979’s, robot probes landed on the “Red Planet’’. They study soil samples, looking for signs of life but they fine nova. The trip to Mars will start with robots. NASA scientist are already working in a robot while, called “Rover’’ that could do the work.
Meanwhile closer to Earth: While robots explored Mars itself, Mars travelers would prepared by spending months in space station close to Earth. More than a year before the humans start their voyage NASA would launch a second robot trip.
Conclusion: I think that here I learn more about space at some of the planets the principal was Mars and the latest and future missions, also about the humans when walked in the Moon and a mission on planet Earth but the thing was that why the planet Earth we life but here you go to see why.
· SHORT STORY: Once upon a time in a forest with a lot of magic animals lives Sara (a beautiful dog) with her best friend, Gina (a rabbit) . So one day in the school that was in the moon, said the principal that is going to be a dance competition, so the friends want to participate so the group is with four. But the problem was that other two don’t was friends so one day they start fight, and then so Sara and Gina can do nothing.
· The next day Sara and Gina need to go, to a game of football, because they are cheerleaders so in this team they are other girls like her enemy Sasha. In the football team were a lot of dogs, but the best were two dogs and a rabbit so Sra thinks: “If they participate in the competition” she said so the sweet dogs and the rabbit were happy but Gina said: “They need only two.”
· The next day Sara discusses with Gina and make a little content competition, and the winners were Alex (the dog) and Tambor (the rabbit). They pass a week practicing after a week the competition started, the malefic team of Sasha dance very good but one of the one judges do not like, so the team of Sara wins. This story happen in 2035 and Alexis the Sara’s boyfriend and Tambor now is Gina’s boyfriend. END.
The Blossoms Meet the Vulture Lady (Summary) : One day Vicki Blossoms start to ask to all the Blossoms that were was Junior (her son) Maggie and Vern (Vicki’s other son’s) said that the last time that they saw it he was in the farm. But now one know that Junior was doing a coyote trap to trap the coyote for a reward but when he was finishing the trap the door clicked and pull Junior to the cage and know he is trapped. When he was doing he was so happy and know terrible. He tried to do things to come out from the cage: 1. he tried to open with his nail but he can’t, then he remembers the knife but it was in the farm. 2. Then Mud (the dog) came “to rescue” Junior was so happy to see Mud and he start to lure Mud with a pieces of hamburgers but when Junior took his bandana and Mud do: Auuu! And he run away now Junior feels disappointed. Then the Blossoms go to the forest to look for Junior, and Pap start to ran more than the others he was like lost he feel terrible because he said that was terrible to be old. Junior get sleep in the cage, and then come Mad Mary and old women that seems that don’t change her clothes in five years when one come to much dirty she put another like a layer, she said: “Someone put a child in a cage” she said that this was cruel, but she don’t know that Junior get trapped in his own trap. The Blossoms found the cage but Junior don’t was there. When Mad Mary took Junior to her cave she and Junior became good friend, but pass 1 day and Mad Mary took Junior with his family. But Pap know Mad Mary and she state living with the Blossoms.
miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010
Hi Im Anette Espinosa and in this blog you will see about our english class in our school A.I.P you I will teach WHAT we are do in the classes of reading, spelling and vocabulary and you go to see also writing.
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